
Please support Nashville restaurants by ordering delivery or pick-up.

Yes, we’re proud to support all Nashville restaurants that are continuing to feed us during these difficult times. Here’s a great resource (click their logo)…


Or, better yet, check out the great places near our custom townhome developments listed here. Get a taste of how sweet it would be to live in one of our Nashville customizable townhome communities. We think it’s the perfect opportunity to check out the great food available for pick-up or delivery in our unique neighborhoods.  Look here for some of our local favorites. Click on Earnest’s logo…


Like our friend Mike Meyers, you may be gaining at least a pound a day during the CV19 crisis. He’s become a human refrigerator magnet. If it wasn’t for his 17 daily dog walks, he would surely explode from constant eating and complete lack of exercise. Join him at the pick-up windows or six feet away from each other curb-side of these fine and fulfilling neighborhood restaurants. He’s the one that has eclipsed the entire block.

Mikey, packing on the pounds at Earnest's in Wedgewood-Houston
Mike Meyers, Earnest Bar & Hideaway enthusiast, now relegated, curbside take-out eater